Longchen Nyingthig Ngon Dro text - $12
Abridged and edited by Khyabje Dodrupchen Rinpoche

Nyingma Traveler's Companion text - $8
Sampa Lhundrup ("Spontaneous Accomplishment of Wishes") and other prayers to Guru Rinpoche

Aspiration Prayers text - $12
Zhi-Lam-Drebu Monlam, Dentshig Drupa Monlam, Zangdog Palri Monlam, others

Offering Prayers text - $12
Riwo (Mountain) Sang, Sur, Brief Tshog by Jigme Lingpa, Short Dharamapala Offering, others

Longchen Nyingthig Rigdzin Dupa text - $25
"Assemblage of Knowledge Holders" including additional parts for Tshog offering

Longchen Nyingthig Yumka text - $25
"Queen of Great Bliss" including additional parts for Tshog offering

ENLIGHTENED JOURNEY by Tulku Thondup text - $12
Excellent commentary on Ngon Dro published by Shambhala Publications and soon to be out of print.

The Blessing Treasure - $5
A Liturgy of the Buddha by Mipham Rinpoche

Phowa: Transference of Consciousness - $4
Attaining Buddhahood Without Meditation from the Cycle of Longchen Nyingthig

Enlightened Living - $10 |
A collection of translations by Tulku Thondup including some by Jigmed Lingpa and Patrul Rinpoche with advice on how to carry Dharma practice into daily life.
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