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This small Buddhist monastery is currently struggling for its survival. In previous generations the community was made up of Ngag pas. They were able to support both the lamas and the physical building of the monastery. Times have changed. These practitioners no longer have the time for concentrated practice. Also, the basis of their wealth, the salt trade between Nepal and Tibet, no longer exists. It is important to remember that the high altitude and harsh climate only allow one harvest of crops a year. Most households barely make enough to get by.

Even though the monastery runs on a very meager budget, approximately $30,000 a year, an expenditure of $150 per monk or nun per year, its future is threatened by financial difficulties.

Now, it is to the World’s benefit to help this vital spiritual community. As the global marketplace makes the world appear smaller, we hear so much bad international news. The world cannot afford to loose this source of purely positive energy.

How can we personally help? From a personal point of view, we can earn merit by giving. By supporting the monastery, we will be preserving a tradition which is a force for peace in the world. A Monastery of monks and nuns dedicating all of their time and energy to spiritual practice will generate blessings for the whole world.

Changing our own habits alone will not be enough to secure good karma. We need merit: then a good result is always secured. Generosity relieves Karmic afflictions, accumulates merits, and makes for future happiness and physical well being. Please take the time now to allow yourself the gift of giving.

Please send donations to:

Tshog Dag Foundation
c/o David Dvore
75 Potter Road
Rowe, MA 01367

Please write “RMF” in the check memo if it’s for Nubri.

To make an online donation with your credit card, use the button below. Amounts must be in US dollars. PayPal deducts transaction fees approximately:

  • 3% from payments made within the US and
  • 5% from outside the US.

NOTE: When you enter your credit card information on the PayPal form, be sure to click the “Select” button next to the credit card type.

Who we are

We, the creators of this web site and administrators of the Remote Monastery Fund number less that the fingers on one hand. We are all volunteers. To date 100% of all money raised has gone to establishing a found for the monastery. In the future, no more that 2% will be used for administrative purposes such as mailings. Generally not for profit organizations use upwards of 10% on administrative costs. Here your money is going exactly where you want it to go.

Contact the Tshog Dag Foundation

The Tshog Dag Foundation intends to use contributions made to it’s Remote Monastery Fund to support the Nubri monastery of Nepal however in accordance with Internal Revenue Service Regulations Tshog Dag maintains ultimate expenditure control over all funds dispersed to non U.S. charities.

The Tshog Dag Foundation for the Support of Nyingma Monasteries has been recognized by the IRS and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as a tax-exempt religious and charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3). Donations are tax-deductible to the extent permissible by law. TDF does not provide tax advice: please consult your tax advisor for proper treatment of contributions.