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Welcome to Nubri Monastery. This unique Buddhist sanctuary is located high on the southern slopes of the Himalayas, the border of Tibet and Nepal. It is a Nyingmapa (old school) monastery and has been here for over five hundred years.

Originally, the monastic community was very small, but Khabje Dodrup Chen Rinpoche said: “In these troubled times, no one who wants to truly practice the Dharma (religious path) should be turned away.”

The community is now more than fifty monks and fifty nuns. All are educated equally. The monastery runs on a very meager budget approximately $80,000 a year, an expenditure of $800 per monk or nun each year. Nevertheless, its future is financially threatened.

Life is harsh in this inaccessible and remote hidden land. Winters are long and the growing season short. The economic base of the supporting lay community has been eroded. Now the monastery needs our financial help to survive.

Repeatedly Rinpoche has said, “It is important not to abandon this small monastery…the location is extraordinary Beyul and the Dharma here is very pure.”

Without this monastery, which benefits all sentient beings in an unparalleled way, our world would be a poorer place. We cannot afford to loose this haven of peace, it is an anchor for our own fragile existence. It offers magic to our materialistic world.

“Between the hermit meditating in the mountains
And the donor who provides his sustenance,
There is a link that will lead them to enlightenment together.
Dedication of merit is the very heart of that link.” – Milarepa

We all need merit. Generosity relieves Karmic afflictions, accumulates merits, and makes for future happiness and physical well being. Please take the time now and give.

To make an online donation* with your credit card, use the button below. Amounts must be in US dollars.