The Tshog Dag Foundation for Nyingma Monasteries, Inc. is founded as an integrated auxiliary of the Maha Siddha Nyingma Center for the purpose of supporting the activities of Dodrup Chen Rinpoche for the preservation the Nyingma sect, especially the Longchen Nyingthig tradition, and for the long-term support of monasteries connected to him. Our principle sources of income are contributions from the members of the Maha Siddha Nyingma Center and the Tshog Dag Foundation, fund-raising, and investments. Tshog Dag Foundation aims to provide some support to the monasteries in the present while at the same time, building up assets to cover possible large emergencies and to provide investment income at times when support from donors might be limited.

Today, the monasteries are thriving yet their funding is precarious. Many monks are trained from a young age. For some, it is their only opportunity for support and/or education. Those who have the capacity are trained in the 5 major and 7 minor subjects of Buddhism including philosophy, ethics, meditation, medicine and others. They are trained in the special meditation, rituals and practices of the Longchen Nyingthig tradition. Some grow up with a desire to devote their lives to religion. Some become lifetime monks, some become artists, some become teachers, etc. Out of them, a few will emerge as the accomplished Lamas who will be the foremost spiritual leaders in this tradition for future generations. Here in the US, because of demands of our time for work, family, etc. none of us can devote our lives completely to training the way it is possible in traditional monasteries. The future of the Nyingma sect of Buddhism and especially the Longchen Nyingthig tradition depends on monasteries such as these.

There are currently many loyal patrons who have faith in Dodrup Chen Rinpoche and the Nyingma religion who support the monasteries but the situation is tenuous. These monasteries are generally in poor places with vulnerable economies. Modernization sometimes lures younger people from their traditional culture. The current Dodrup Chen Rinpoche is old and future support of the monasteries is uncertain.

“Honey-like wealth drips away even as you collect it.
Although you earned it, others will enjoy it.
Now, while you have the power, invest it for the sustenance of your future lives,
By earning merits by giving in charity.” – Longchenpa