How to Use the Protection Amulets (Tib: Trungwa):

Every protection amulet is made by an elaborate traditional process as described in Tantras, Termas, or the writings of great Lamas (Gurus). Inside, according to the instructions for each amulet, are meticulously printed mantras and/or sacred drawings sometimes with rare or special substances which have an auspicious connection for the intended purpose. They are then folded or rolled and wound with colored thread in specific designs, covered with brocades, and consecrated through prayer and ritual. They can be worn on the body or affixed to a door or placed elsewhere in the house. Generally, they should be treated with respect, either wearin them on the upper part of the body or placing them in a spot where no-one sits or steps.

We also have Liberation Through Wearing Amulets which are aimed at liberation rather than protection. Those can be worn or buried or burned with the deceased.

These amulets are made a Chorten Gonpa Monastery in Sikkim and blessed by Dodrupchen Rinpoche and other Tulkus. The proceeds from the sales of these and other items sold here are used entirely to support Monasteries and projects to preserve Dharma.

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Drip dang Mitshang Trungwa

Protection from defilement, pollution, contamination, uncleanliness and impurity.

Rim Trungwa

Protection from epidemics

Stid Pelwai Trungwa

Tsaktra or wheel for increasing offspring

Son Dremo Trungwa

Protection from female evil spirits or goblins that possess the living

Son Dre Pho Trungwa

Protection from male evil spirits or goblins that possess the living

Jungpo Chi'i Nodpa Trungwa

Protection from harm caused by the external (five) elements

Tok Dre Se Rak Trungwa

Protection from spirits that prevent one from receiving satisfaction an nourishment from food

Gyalpo Pehar Trungwa

Protector of Gyalpo Pehar

Damchan Dorje Legpa Trungwa

Vajra Sadhu Protector

Ngagdag Dregchen Chogyed Trungwa

Protector of the Eighteen Great Arrogant Mantra Lords

Mi Nad Kun Trungwa

Protection from diseases of humans in general

Milam Zangpo Trungwa

Protection from bad dreams

Nye Ched Trungwa

Protection from divisiveness

God Kha Trungwa

Protection from loss or damage to money or property of all kinds

Ma'i Jigpa Trungwa

Protection from damage by fire.

Lotokgi Nadpa Trungwa

Protection from harm to crops

Nyo Dre Trungwa

Protection from harm by spirits that cause insanity and mental disturbance

Mi Kha Leng Zhi'i Nodpa Trungwa

Protection from false charges, unjust accusations, calumny and slander

Za Kar Nganpa Trungwa

Protection from harmful effects of inauspicious planets and stars or constellations (harmful astrological combinations)

Tshedrang Nganpa Trungwa

Protection from the harm of inauspicious dates

Chog Ngan Trungwa

Protection from the harm of inauspicious locations

Sho Bud Trungwa

Protection from harm by mountain land and water slides

Tshe Trog Trungwa

Protection from all kinds of things that are harmful to life and the life span; promotes longevity

Lu Kyedpa

Protection from all kinds of things that harm, and increases vigor and strength of the body

Wang Kyedpa

Protects against harm to and increases personal power, wealth, happiness and fortune

LungTa Kyedpa

Protects against decline and harm to, and increases fortune, luck and merit

Don Nyer Drupa'i Trungwa

Accomplishes whatever purpose or goal one has in mind and protects against anything that would obstruct it

Tshong Gyalwa

Promotes success and profit in business or trade, and protects against loss or failure

Nor Pelwa

Promotes accomplishment of wealth and prosperity of all kinds while protecting against spirits that cause poverty

Thamched gyi Yid du Ongwa

Will cause one to be popular, charming and agreeable to everyone; and others to regard one with kindness

Lha Dre Bum Trungwa

Confers protection from all gods and spirits from below, on or above the earth and protects crops in the fields

Sem Barbur ChaCho Chedpa le Trungwa

Protects from harm by instability, agitation, disturbance and wavering of the mind from wind diseases

Tsawa Le Gyurpa'i Nodpa Trungwa

Protects the body from all harm from hot diseases and anything that causes too much heat

Drang Lung Le Gyurwai Nodpa Trungwa

Protects the body from all diseases and harm caused by cold wind diseases; benefits those ailments already present and prevents new ones from arising

Mug Tig Trungwa

Protects against mental fogginess, stupidity, and density and promotes mental clarity, expertise, intelligence and wisdom

Jungwa Thragpai Nodpa Trungwa

Protects against harm from disturbance or disorder of the five elements (earth, water, fire, air, space) and balances their force

Nyanrim Trungwa Gegu Chig Dril

Protection from severe modern diseases such as AIDS and cancer that cannot be cured by medicine. This is a black cylinder

Soso Drangma Trungwa
General Protection, especially from disease
Dug Kar gyi Trungwa

White Umbrella Protector General protection especially from obstacles and bad circumstances

Za Trung

Protection from Planetary Forces. This one is according to Longchenpa and is in the form of a rolled up bead

Sor Duk Trungwa
General Protection (combines “Soso Drangma Trungwa” and “Dug Kar gyi Trungwa”)
Sherab Pelwa

Amulet for Increasing Intelligence

Kuntuzangpo Yeshe Long gi Gyud
Liberation by Wearing. Also used to bury or burn with the deceased
Rigdzin Yabkhor
Liberation by Wearing. Also used to bury or burn with the deceased
Rigdzin Yumkhor
Liberation by Wearing. Also used to bury or burn with the deceased