The Mahasiddha Nyingmapa Center is a not-for-profit organization whose members are dedicated to our Lama, Kyabje Dodrupchen Rinpoche, and the Nyingmapa Tradition. We are self-supporting through membership dues. The proceeds from sales and services are used to support the monks and activities at Dodrupchen Rinpoche’s monasteries in the East. In addition to the mandalas described in this site, we also have thangka posters and Prayer Texts for sale. Prayers for the sick, dying, dead or to remove obstacles, etc. – can be arranged to be recited by the monks of Chorten Gonpa Monastery in Sikkim or Nubri Monastery in Nepal via our auxiliary, the Tshog Dag Foundation. We cannot guarantee the effectiveness of sacred objects and prayers but we can assure you that all items are made and prayer ceremonies performed strictly according to tradition.